This is part thirty of a series called One a Day in May, where we will review one wedding stationery term every day in May!
Welp, we’re down to our last two one-a-day’s in May! We wanted to explain these last two terms close together because they are often confused with each other but they do both serve their own purposes. You’ll be able to read about “place cards” tomorrow but today we’ll give you a quick explanation of the “escort card.”
The purpose of an escort card is pretty literal, it’s the card that “escorts” you to your seat at the table. Usually, escort cards are laid out or displayed toward the entrance to your reception area. Each card has a guest’s name on it as well as their corresponding table assignment.
You don’t have to be bound by the term “card” either. Just about any small-ish item that can be written on can serve to escort someone to their seat. We’ve seen escort cards as coasters, shot glasses, fruit, mini-polaroids, leather luggage tags, and more!
Escort cards can also be used in conjunction with a seating chart, and even serve triple-duty sometimes as party favors! Many couples opt to combine a seating chart with an escort card display that organizes their family and friends’ escort cards into their table groups and then whatever the “cards” might be, the guests can take theirs with them to their seat (and beyond if their personalized item is intended to be taken as a favor as well!).